Whether a hurricane, hailstorm, pipe leak or any other type of loss has occurred to your business, businesses can suffer losses different than those a homeowner may suffer from the same cause of loss. Whereas a homeowner may not be able to use a room in his or her house as a result of damage from a hurricane or a windstorm, a business owner may experience completely different, and often more significant, damages from a hurricane, windstorm, burst pipe or any other type of loss covered by insurance because such a loss often can affect the business’s ability to keep operating and earning revenue. Whether it is either property damage, lost profits or revenue due to a loss or other forms of damages, a hurricane, water intrusion, or any other form of loss covered by insurance can be devastating to a business, making it all the more important that the business be able to count on its insurer to honor its obligations to make the business whole for its losses.
Businesses also simply have different insurance needs than consumers and the insurance policy that may be involved when a business or commercial client has suffered a loss is different than that involved when a consumer or homeowner experiences a loss. Therefore, the skills and experience needed to represent a business, business owner or commercial client who has suffered a loss and is seeking to recover compensation from its insurer may be different than those needed in order to represent a homeowner whose home has been damaged by a hurricane. However, some public adjusters like David Flaks of PubAdjuster know the unique needs and issues that businesses and commercial clients may have in the wake of a loss like a hurricane or a pipe leak. Therefore, if you are a business owner or commercial client and you have been affected by a hurricane, windstorm, water instruction, or any other type of loss in which insurance is involved, David has worked with a number of different commercial clients in representing them as to different types of claims and can assist your business in recovering maximum compensation from your insurer for the damages your business has suffered.
Not Every Public Adjuster is Familiar Working with Commercial Insurance Claims
Commercial insurance is not the same as homeowner’s or consumer property insurance. Commercial clients simply have different insurance needs and are affected differently by the same types of losses than consumers or homeowners are. Perhaps most significantly, Insurers often have adjusters who deal only with commercial property claims, so the worst thing for a business owner or commercial client that has experienced a loss is if the insurer’s adjuster knows he can run circles around a public adjuster representing the business owner who is clearly out of his or her element and may not know commercial insurance policies.
Therefore, many public adjusters are not fully equipped to be able to negotiate with an insurer for a commercial client because they simply may not be familiar enough working with commercial clients to know where an insurer may try to take advantage of a commercial client or what red flags to watch out for in representing a business owner in a commercial property claim. David Flaks of PubAdjuster has worked with commercial clients on all types of losses over his career as a public adjuster. Therefore, he is familiar with what kinds of stunts an insurer may try to pull with a commercial insured when it comes to different types of losses, be it a hurricane or a burst pipe. If you are a business owner or commercial client of any kind, you can rest easy knowing that David has the experience and knowledge to represent your interests to your insurer in a way that will ensure you receive maximum compensation from your insurer for the damages your business has suffered.
Contact David Flaks of PubAdjuster if Your Business is Experiencing Commercial Insurance Claims
If you are a business owner or your business in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, or anywhere else in Palm Beach or Broward Counties has been affected by a hurricane, burst pipe or any other type of loss that may involve insurance, David Flaks of PubAdjuster is here to ensure that you receive full compensation from your insurer for all the damages your business has experience as a result of a loss. Contact David Flaks of PubAdjuster today at David@pubadjuster.com or (561) 212-0239 today if you are a business owner and you have suffered a hurricane, pipe leak, wind or hail damage to your business. David will ensure he does everything necessary to ensure your insurer complies with its obligations to fully compensate you for the damages your business has suffered.